Boyne Mountain Cross Country Ski Report – 12/30
Wow the trails where fun to ski yesterday! The 8′ of snow packed down nicely for our base to yield surprisingly quick classic skiing. We are hoping to have some Classic Tracks molded by the end of the day.
Several people skate skied yesterday and reported some fun times as well. We have rolled and combed most of the beginner and intermediate trails and started working on the advanced system. It’s a little rough on the advanced still and not recommended until we get some more snow on them. They are predicting 1 to 3 inches of snow today! We combed out some of the Vistas yesterday and in the process discovered some downed trees we will be working to clear this week.
The shop is now open 10am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. Weather permitting of course. Hope to see you out here soon!
New Snow: 8 inches on Monday night
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