Michigan Ski Blog – Snow Reports

Valley Spur Trail System Cross Country Ski Report – 03/07

3/7 and all trails were groomed this morning. FYI there is a good chance this coming weekend will be the last of all trails being groomed. We will begin reduced grooming due to the ups and downs of Spring weather. I will try to keep you informed of trail conditions.

With that being said you better have plans to hit the trails this weekend and if you want to do the Irish Challenge (ski all trails at VS in one day) you better do it now.

Lodge will be opened through the weekend after this weekend that will also be reduced. I don’t know about you I sure got my monies worth from having an Annual Pass. What a fantastic season we are having. Between our Groomer John Cromell and all our great volunteers we do a pretty dang good job running Valley Spur. Thanks to all. Peggy


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Valley Spur Trail System On Facebook

Below are the latest postings from the Valley Spur Trail System Page On Facebook.


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Friday March 7th, 2025 - 10:52 am

Ski Michigan

FROM Friends of Valley Spur >> 3/7 and all trails were groomed this morning. FYI there is a good chance this coming weekend will be the last of all trails being groomed. We will begin reduced grooming due to the ups and downs of Spring weather. I will try to keep you informed of trail conditions. With that being said you better have plans to hit the trails this weekend and if you want to do the Irish Challenge (ski all trails at VS in one day) you better do it now. Lodge will be opened through the weekend after this weekend that will also be reduced. I don't know about you I sure got my monies worth from having an Annual Pass. What a fantastic season we are having. Between our Groomer John Cromell and all our great volunteers we do a pretty dang good job running Valley Spur. Thanks to all. Peggy #valleyspur #SkiMichigan ... See MoreSee Less

FROM Friends of Valley Spur >> 3/7 and all trails were groomed this morning.  FYI there is a good chance this coming weekend will be the last of all trails being groomed.  We will begin reduced grooming due to the ups and downs of Spring weather.  I will try to keep you informed of trail conditions.  With that being said you better have plans to hit the trails this weekend and if you want to do the Irish Challenge (ski all trails at VS in one day) you better do it now.  Lodge will be opened through the weekend after this weekend that will also be reduced.  I dont know about you I sure got my monies worth from having an Annual Pass.  What a fantastic season we are having.  Between our Groomer John Cromell and all our great volunteers we do a pretty dang good job running Valley Spur.  Thanks to all.  Peggy #valleyspur #SkiMichiganImage attachment

Thursday March 6th, 2025 - 11:35 am

Ski Michigan

FROM Friends of Valley Spur >> 3/6 and some how John got the trails groomed. It was brutal. The trees were so bent over by snow and ice he had to use the Jeep as the tractor wouldn't fit down the trail. Every hill John had to use the winch to get up them. The lodge will be open from 10 am to 4 pm. John Carlson will have the lodge area shoveled out. #valleyspur #SkiMichigan ... See MoreSee Less

FROM Friends of Valley Spur >> 3/6 and some how John got the trails groomed.  It was  brutal.  The trees were so bent over by snow and ice he had to use the Jeep as the tractor wouldnt fit down the trail.  Every hill John had to use the winch to get up them.  The lodge will be open from 10 am to 4 pm.  John Carlson will have the lodge area shoveled out. #valleyspur #SkiMichiganImage attachmentImage attachment

Tuesday March 4th, 2025 - 11:47 am

Ski Michigan

FROM Friends of Valley Spur >> 3/4 and we will have no new grooming until the weather cooperates. The lodge will also be closed until we can groom again. #valleyspur #SkiMichigan ... See MoreSee Less

Monday March 3rd, 2025 - 11:20 am

Ski Michigan

FROM Friends of Valley Spur >> The up and downs for the week. Thursday on is looking good for skiing. The lodge will be open today 10 am to 4 pm. #valleyspur #SkiMichiganThe up and downs for the week. Thursday on is looking good for skiing. The lodge will be open today 10 am to 4 pm. ... See MoreSee Less

FROM Friends of Valley Spur >> The up and downs for the week.  Thursday on is looking good for skiing.  The lodge will be open today 10 am to 4 pm. #valleyspur #SkiMichigan
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