Michigan Ski Blog – Snow Reports

XC Ski Headquarters Cross Country Ski Report – 12/03

It’s snowing again! We have received about 2 inches of dense snow this morning, and the trails are open for skiing. Mariah skied the Trapper’s Cabin loop this morning, and could’ve kept going for hours it was so much fun! Come rent some “B” skis (“rock” skis) for free, and enjoy an outing through the snowy woods. The practice area has a solid base of manmade snow, and is in good shape for skate and classic demos. Come demo some skis for free, and shop the Christmas sale, any time during store hours.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, December 9th, 6:00pm – XC Ski HQ Ski Team Dinner
The HQ team is known for its great camaraderie amongst members, and is very welcoming to new members. If you’re considering racing this season and joining our team, please email Captain Frank Rynalski at frankrynalski@gmail.com for dinner details!

Saturday, December 9th, 16th, and 23rd, 10:30am – Free Beginner Ski Lesson (snow permitting)
Learn the basics of cross country skiing for FREE!

Tuesday, December 26th, 2:00pm – Joe Frye Live!
Kick back and enjoy the musical talents of Nashville-based Joe Frye at the Stone Turtle Cafe. Eat, drink and be merry!


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Michigan Ski Blog - Skiing and Snowboarding in Michigan - produced by Ski Michigan.